Guerra y Paz


Moeh Atitar de la Fuente

Periodista, fotógrafo y blogger. Más sobre el autor.

  • February 2011
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Vídeo: Bye bye Mubarak

Moeh Atitar de la Fuente - Saturday 12 de February de 2011

Emocionante vídeo del cineasta Ramy Rizkallah, de la fiesta en El Cairo:

Bye Bye Mubarak from Ramy Rizkallah on Vimeo.

Y así lo describe: Feb. 11th 2010. For the first time in 7000 years or more, egyptians peacfully were able to overthrow their Dictator. No one in Egypt could’ve imagined this happening. I shot this 20 minutes after the VP announced the president’s departure, people are chanting that the army and the people are one hand and the army closed the road to help people celebrate. I just witnessed history. I shot this on a high ISO so please excuse the noise in the Video.Bye Bye Mubarak.

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